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Holistic HIIT - A Great Fit for Training During Pandemic Conditions


Holistic HIIT:

 A Great Fit for Training 

During Pandemic Conditions


The fitness industry has been one of the most impacted during the CoVid-19 pandemic. Gyms across the world have had to drastically curtail their regular services to comply with regulations and keep their clientele safe.  Many fitness facilities have adapted by holding outdoor, online and limited-capacity classes. Holistic HIIT’s versatility and positively engaging format makes it an excellent option for trainers and instructors to conduct safe, successful fitness classes, even within the constraints of pandemic living. 

Holistic HIIT fills needs people are seeking

With so many areas of regular life in upheaval, right now people are seeking what they CAN take charge of in their lives. At the top of that list is their health and fitness.

Offering a goal-based, research-backed program that can be adapted to almost any location is a way to make lemonade out of  lemons during this pandemic. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been shown to boost mood, improve cardio-vascular fitness, and help people shed serious weight. Give your clients something to look forward to in life by starting a Holistic HIIT program.

Holistic HIIT can be adapted to fit any location--in-person or virtual!

Holistic HIIT uses cardio modalities like running, walking, or cycling. If you have access to a running track, a parking lot, or a field, you can hold an outdoor Holistic HIIT class based on your area’s current pandemic laws. If indoor training is available, you can use cardio equipment like treadmills, spin bikes, or stair-climbers.

No treadmill, bike, or track? No problem! Use the timed interval training you learn in Holistic HIIT with other cardio movements like jumping jacks, high-steps, speed squats, lunges, or burpees. These will all get your clients’ heart-rate into the intense zone needed for HIIT.  

If you are limited to virtual training, conduct a Holistic HIIT class on Facebook Live or Zoom. Participants can still feel a part of a team through your coaching and encouragement! 

Holistic HIIT works for individual, partner, or group training

If you have clients that prefer to stay away from groups or a crowded gym setting, Holistic HIIT is a great program for them. Because you will be coaching the individual in his/her personal goals, the success of your program does not depend on the number of participants.  

People who want more individualized training expect to pay more for it, so adjust your pricing to reflect what your time is worth.  Advertise your flexibility--offer deals for couples, people from the same household, or work groups that are already regularly around each other.  Many people may not have considered forming new workout “pods,” but this is a great time to think outside the box in order to have personal success! Become a HIIT Certified Instructor at


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